Stars for All 2023 U.S. Regional Conference

Stars for All 2023 – Code of Conduct

Adapted from the International Planetarium Society Code of Conduct

Stars for All 2023 invites a global community of Planetarium Professionals to Bays Mountain for our events in June 2023. Attendees will come from all around the world and bring a full spectrum of experiences, differences, and unique perspectives to the events. The Stars for All 2023 organizers recognize that it is through this diversity that our community can grow and find success in our shared mission to enhance the world’s appreciation and understanding of our universe. Therefore, we are committed to respecting and embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion in people, ideas, and opinions and providing a welcoming environment for all members of our international community.

Our Code of Conduct is in place to ensure a safe environment and the best possible experience for all attendees. Our goal is to develop and maintain a culture and climate during the events where all community members experience a sense of belonging and engagement – a place where everyone’s well-being is valued and supported through respectful, authentic, and positive interactions with other members. Therefore, we do not allow any form of bullying, discrimination, harassment, racism, retaliation, threatening behavior, or any other inappropriate conduct that violates our standards.

The Stars for All 2023 Code of Conduct applies to all conference-related activities, including events, online social media platforms, one-on-one attendee interactions, and in situations where attendees are representing the planetarium community brought together by Stars for All 2023.

Our Code of Conduct is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete set of guidelines/rules and other forms of misconduct not listed may result in disciplinary action, ranging from immediate removal from the conference and a ban from attending any Stars for All 2023 events or activities.

Stars for All 2023 COMMITMENT

As members of the Stars for All 2023 community,

  • We respect the Code of Conduct and act with integrity and professionalism.
  • We treat everyone with respect.
  • We embrace diversity and are mindful of all audiences in our presentations, demonstrations, and conversations.
  • We act in good faith and do not make knowingly false statements, allegations, or accusations against others.
  • We uphold these values and set an example for those around us.

Since Stars for All 2023 attendees will come from many communities, it is important to recognize that behavior and language that is acceptable in one particular cultural environment may not be acceptable to another. Therefore, to the best of our ability, we use discretion to ensure that our words and actions communicate respect for others.  

Definition of Harassment

In general, harassment is any form of excessive and/or persistent conduct that causes alarm or distress, whether based on race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, age, difference in ability, illness, impairment, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, parental status, pregnancy status, marital status, political affiliation, military and veteran status, mental health status, socioeconomic status or background, neurotype, physical appearance, or any other reason. Harassment may include any excessive forms of unwelcome attention, pressure, or intimidation.

General Conduct

In order to maintain a professional atmosphere that is safe and welcoming to all, the Stars for All 2023 organizers are committed to ensuring all voices are heard and all interactions are respectful. As such, Stars for All Attendees members make a good faith effort to do the following:  

  • Be mindful with our words and actions; exercise good judgment and character.
  • Approach situations and conversations with an open mind.
  • Be aware that our assumptions may impact others.
  • Give others the chance to speak.
  • Accept that others’ lives and experiences are different from our own.
  • Accept that others’ boundaries (emotional, physical, etc.) may be different from our own.
  • Remind ourselves that inclusion is about promoting mutual respect.
  • Be accountable for our actions.
  • Practice patience and empathy, and provide opportunities to make amends where appropriate.

The Stars for All 2023 organizers understand that given the diversity of our community, it may be challenging to determine when our actions will have a negative impact on others. It is wise to think critically about our behavior and consider checking in with trusted colleagues to gauge whether our self-assessment is accurate. In the case of unintended offensive behavior, an apology, recognition of that offense, and commitment to changing behavior in the future is key to maintaining an atmosphere of respect.  

At Stars for All 2023 Events  

Everyone attending events is entitled to an environment:  

  • Free from intimidation or threats
  • Free from physical assault of any type
  • Free from unwanted sexual attention or contact
    • e.g., sexually suggestive comments or images, innuendos, or non-consensual touching
  • Free from unwanted photography or video recording
    • e.g., photographing or recording someone after they’ve asked you to stop
  • Free from bullying
    • e.g., using abusive or insulting language or spreading rumors

At Stars for All 2023 events, speakers should be mindful of potentially offensive actions, language, or imagery used in their presentations. If the presenter decides to include any potentially offensive materials to convey a message, the organizers respectfully ask that they warn the audience at the beginning of the talk and provide them with the opportunity to leave the room to avoid seeing or hearing the material.

All Stars for All 2023 conference and event attendees are expected to play a role in creating a safe and inviting atmosphere. ***If any one of us is asked to stop an inappropriate behavior, we will do so IMMEDIATELY.*** Any individual asked to stop any behavior but disagreeing with the need to do so must initially cease the behavior, but then may raise the issue with the conference organizer.

Thank You to Our Conference Sponsors!